This guide covers naming conventions in C#. Adopting consistent naming conventions helps make code more readable, maintainable, and less error-prone. A unified approach to naming variables, methods, classes, and files enhances collaboration among developers and improves overall project quality.

General Guidelines

  • Use descriptive names: Names should indicate the purpose of the variable, method, or class. Avoid using unclear abbreviations, as they make the code difficult to understand. Descriptive names help clarify the intent behind each piece of code, making it easier for others to follow.
  • Be consistent: Stick to a single naming convention across the entire codebase. Consistency makes it easier for developers to read and navigate the code, reducing confusion and improving productivity.
  • Avoid reserved words: Do not use keywords or reserved terms for names. Using reserved words can lead to unexpected issues and make debugging more challenging.
  • Avoid magic numbers/strings: Use named constants for hard-coded values instead of directly including them in the code. Magic numbers and strings make it harder to understand the purpose of a value and make future changes cumbersome. Named constants provide context and make the code more self-explanatory.

C# Naming Conventions


  • Use camelCase for local variables and private fields (e.g., userName, totalAmount). This convention ensures readability and clarity, making the purpose of each variable easy to understand.
  • Prefix private fields with an underscore (_) (e.g., _userName). This helps distinguish between local variables and class-level fields.


  • Use PascalCase for method names (e.g., CalculateTotal(), GetUserData()). Action-oriented names make it clear what the method is doing.
  • Keep methods small and focused on a single task. This improves modularity and makes the code easier to maintain and test.


  • Use PascalCase for class names (e.g., UserProfile, OrderManager). Class names should represent entities or concepts within the application.
  • Class names should be nouns that describe the object being represented.


  • Use PascalCase for constants (e.g., MaxRetries, ApiKey). Constants should be defined with the const or readonly keyword and should have descriptive names.


  • Use PascalCase for property names (e.g., UserName, OrderTotal). Properties should represent the data they expose and be named clearly.
  • Avoid using prefixes like Get or Set for properties. Instead, use descriptive names that represent the value being accessed.


  • Use PascalCase and prefix interface names with I (e.g., IUserRepository, ILogger). This convention helps distinguish interfaces from classes.


  • Use PascalCase for enum types and values (e.g., OrderStatus, Pending). Enum names should clearly indicate what they represent.

Windows Forms Naming Conventions

When working with Windows Forms, use specific prefixes to indicate the type of control. This helps easily identify the type of UI element being referenced.

Common Control Prefixes

  • Button: Use btn as the prefix (e.g., btnSubmit, btnCancel).
  • TextBox: Use txt as the prefix (e.g., txtUserName, txtPassword).
  • Label: Use lbl as the prefix (e.g., lblUserName, lblStatus).
  • CheckBox: Use chk as the prefix (e.g., chkRememberMe, chkAgreeTerms).
  • RadioButton: Use rdo as the prefix (e.g., rdoMale, rdoFemale).
  • ComboBox: Use cmb as the prefix (e.g., cmbCountry, cmbOptions).
  • ListBox: Use lst as the prefix (e.g., lstItems, lstUsers).
  • Panel: Use pnl as the prefix (e.g., pnlMain, pnlSettings).
  • DataGridView: Use dgv as the prefix (e.g., dgvOrders, dgvUsers).
  • PictureBox: Use pic as the prefix (e.g., picLogo, picProfile).
  • GroupBox: Use grp as the prefix (e.g., grpUserInfo, grpSettings).
  • TabControl: Use tab as the prefix (e.g., tabMain, tabDetails).

File Naming Conventions

General Guidelines

  • Use PascalCase for file names (e.g., UserProfile.cs, OrderManager.cs). File names should match the name of the class or interface they contain.
  • Avoid spaces and special characters in file names. Stick to letters, numbers, and underscores to ensure compatibility across different operating systems and environments.
  • Use descriptive names for files. File names should clearly indicate their purpose or content, making it easier to locate specific files in the project structure.

C# Files

  • Use PascalCase for all C# files (e.g., UserController.cs, PaymentService.cs). This makes it easy to maintain a consistent file structure and improves clarity when working with multiple files.

Naming Do's and Don'ts

  • Do: Use prefixes like is, has, get, set to indicate the type or action of variables and methods.
    • Boolean variables: Use prefixes like is or has to make their purpose clear (e.g., isUserActive, hasPermissions).
    • Getter and setter methods: Use Get for methods that retrieve a value (e.g., GetUserName()) and Set for those that modify a value (e.g., SetUserAge()).
  • Do: Use singular names for individual items and plural names for collections (e.g., user for a single user, users for a collection of users).
  • Don't: Use unclear abbreviations (e.g., use totalAmount instead of ttlAmt). Clear and meaningful names make the code easier to understand.
  • Don't: Use vague terms like data or info unless absolutely necessary. Instead, be specific (e.g., userData, orderInfo). Specific names provide better context and make it easier to understand the intent behind the code.

Summary Table

Element Type Naming Convention Examples
Variables camelCase totalAmount, _userName
Methods PascalCase CalculateTotal(), FetchData()
Classes PascalCase UserProfile, OrderDetails
Constants PascalCase MaxRetries, ApiKey
Properties PascalCase UserName, OrderTotal
Interfaces PascalCase with I IUserRepository, ILogger
Enums PascalCase OrderStatus, Pending
File Names PascalCase UserProfile.cs, OrderManager.cs
Windows Forms Controls Prefix + PascalCase btnSubmit, txtUserName, lstItems

These conventions make your code more readable, organized, and maintainable. Consistent naming helps improve collaboration, making it easier for developers to understand and work on the codebase. A well-structured codebase with clear naming conventions allows teams to work more efficiently, reduces the risk of introducing bugs, and enhances the long-term sustainability of the project. By adhering to these conventions, developers can ensure that their code remains clean, easy to navigate, and simple to extend or modify in the future.

Best Practices for C# Naming Conventions

This guide covers naming conventions in C#. Adopting consistent naming conventions helps make code more readable, maintainable, and less error-prone. A unified approach to naming variables, methods, classes, and files enhances collaboration among developers and improves overall project quality.