This comprehensive guide covers best practices for naming conventions in PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, and jQuery. Adopting a consistent naming strategy across your codebase is crucial in making the code more readable and maintainable for you and other developers. A well-organized naming approach not only makes the code more understandable but also reduces errors and simplifies future modifications.

General Guidelines

  • Use descriptive names: Always use meaningful names that clearly indicate the purpose of the variable, function, or class. Avoid single-letter or unclear abbreviations, as they make the code harder to understand. Good naming choices can save time for both you and other developers working on the project.
  • Be consistent: Stick to a single naming convention throughout your codebase. Consistency helps maintain a clean and predictable structure that can be easily understood by anyone.
  • Avoid reserved words: Do not use keywords or reserved terms for variable or function names, as it can cause unexpected behavior or errors.
  • Avoid magic numbers/strings: Use named constants instead of hard-coded numbers or strings. Magic numbers make the code less readable and harder to maintain, whereas named constants provide clarity and context.

PHP Naming Conventions


  • Use camelCase for variables (e.g., $userName, $totalAmount). Variable names should be descriptive and indicate the data they hold to improve readability.


  • Use camelCase for function names. Function names should describe the action being performed, preferably using a verb (e.g., calculateTotal(), getUserData()). Clear function names make the code self-explanatory.
  • Keep functions small and focused on a single task to ensure modular and reusable code. A function that does one thing well is easier to test and debug.


  • Use PascalCase for class names (e.g., UserProfile, PaymentProcessor). Class names should be nouns that represent entities or concepts, making it easy to understand their purpose.


  • Use UPPERCASE with underscores to separate words (e.g., MAX_RETRIES, API_KEY). Constants are values that do not change during the runtime of the application, and their naming should make this clear.

JavaScript/Node.js Naming Conventions


  • Use camelCase for variables (e.g., userName, totalAmount). Variable names should be clear and meaningful, providing a direct understanding of the content.


  • Use camelCase for function names. Function names should describe the action being performed, preferably a verb (e.g., calculateTotal(), fetchUserData()). The goal is to ensure the code remains self-documenting.
  • Keep functions small and focused on a single task. This practice makes functions reusable and easier to debug.


  • Use PascalCase for class names (e.g., UserProfile, PaymentProcessor). Class names should be nouns that represent entities or concepts, contributing to clear and maintainable code.


  • Use UPPERCASE with underscores to separate words (e.g., MAX_RETRIES, API_KEY). Constants should remain easily identifiable as unchanging values throughout the code.

Objects and Arrays

  • Use camelCase for objects and arrays. Names should be descriptive of the data they hold, such as userProfile, productList. This makes it easy to understand the purpose and contents of the structure.
  • For arrays, consider using plural names to indicate they contain multiple items (e.g., users, orderItems). Pluralization adds context and helps differentiate between single items and collections.

CSS Naming Conventions


  • Use kebab-case for class names (e.g., .nav-bar, .button-primary). Class names should describe the component or its role visually/functionally. Kebab-case is widely adopted for CSS because it is easy to read and avoids issues with case sensitivity.


  • Use camelCase or kebab-case for IDs (e.g., #mainContent, #user-form). IDs should be unique to the page, and it's best to avoid using them for styling whenever possible. Instead, favor using classes for styling to maintain flexibility and avoid conflicts.

jQuery Naming Conventions


  • Ensure IDs are unique, and stick to camelCase or kebab-case (e.g., #searchBox, #footer-links). This ensures clarity when selecting elements and reduces the chance of ID conflicts.


  • Use kebab-case for class selectors (e.g., .active-tab, .highlighted). This aligns with CSS class conventions, ensuring consistency and making the code more predictable.

File Naming Conventions

General Guidelines

  • Use kebab-case for file names (e.g., user-profile.js, order-details.php). Kebab-case is readable and avoids issues with spaces or casing inconsistencies.
  • File names should be descriptive of the content or purpose of the file. This improves discoverability and makes it easier to understand the project structure at a glance.
  • Avoid spaces and special characters in file names, as these can cause issues in different operating systems or environments.
  • For configuration files, use descriptive names with a relevant suffix (e.g., webpack.config.js, app.settings.json). This helps in identifying the purpose of the configuration quickly.

PHP Files

  • Use kebab-case for PHP files (e.g., user-controller.php, payment-service.php). File names should match the main class or functionality of the file, making it easier to locate specific components within the codebase.

JavaScript/Node.js Files

  • Use kebab-case for JavaScript files (e.g., shopping-cart.js, fetch-user-data.js). Keeping a consistent naming convention across all files makes the codebase more organized.
  • For utility or helper files, add appropriate suffixes (e.g., validation-helper.js, api-service.js). This helps in easily distinguishing between core files and helper functions.

CSS Files

  • Use kebab-case for CSS files (e.g., main-styles.css, button-styles.css). Consistent naming ensures all stylesheets are organized and easy to locate.
  • Separate CSS files based on their function (e.g., layout.css, theme.css). This separation allows for better modularization, making styles easier to manage and update.

Naming Do's and Don'ts

  • Do: Use prefixes to indicate the scope or type if applicable.
    • is or has for boolean values (e.g., isUserActive, hasPermissions). Boolean prefixes help convey the type of value being stored, making the code easier to understand.
    • get for functions that return a value (e.g., getUserName). Using get clarifies that the function's purpose is to retrieve data without modifying it.
    • set for functions that modify a value (e.g., setUserAge). The set prefix indicates that the function's purpose is to update or assign a value.
  • Do: Use singular names for individual items and plural for collections (e.g., user for an individual user, users for an array of users). This approach improves clarity and makes the code easier to follow.
  • Don't: Use abbreviations that may be unclear (e.g., use totalAmount instead of ttlAmt). Clear naming avoids confusion and ensures that all team members understand the purpose of variables and functions.
  • Don't: Use vague terms like data or info unless absolutely necessary. Instead, be specific (e.g., userData, orderInfo). Specific names provide better context, reducing ambiguity.

Summary Table

Element Type

Naming Convention




totalAmount, userName


camelCase (verb-based)

calculateTotal(), fetchData()



UserProfile, OrderDetails




CSS Classes


.main-header, .button-primary


camelCase or kebab-case

#mainContent, #user-profile

File Names


user-profile.js, main-styles.css

These guidelines will make your code easier to read, navigate, and maintain—key factors in building scalable and efficient applications. Consistent naming conventions not only improve readability but also foster better collaboration among developers, enabling teams to work more effectively on large codebases. By adhering to these conventions, you ensure that your code remains clean, organized, and easy to understand for anyone who might work on it in the future.

Best Practices for Coding Naming Conventions

This comprehensive guide covers best practices for naming conventions in PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, and jQuery. Adopting a consistent naming strategy across your codebase is crucial in making the code more readable and maintainable for you and other developers.